46th Illinois Corn Breeders School Proceedings
Jack Dekkers, Iowa State University
Fundamentals of Whole Genome Selection
Nick Lauter, Iowa State University
COGENFITO: Software to Facilitate Whole Genome
Rex Bernardo, University of Minnesota
Exploiting Both Doubled Haploids and Cheap
and Abundant Molecular Markers in Maize Breeding Abstract
Andres Gordillo, AgReliant
Optimum Hybrid
Maize Breeding Strategies Using Doubled Haploids
Dave Onstad, University of Illinois
of Change: Can Mutant Rootworms Defeat Our Current Efforts to Control
Them with Bt Corn?
Mike Gray, University of Illinois
Evaluation of Multi-Gene Insect Control Products
Dirk Benson, Syngenta
Multi-Gene Insect
Control Products & Refuge Issues
Laura Higgins, Pioneer
Multi-Gene Insect
Control Products & Refuge Issues
Dusty Post, Monsanto
Multi-Gene Insect
Control Products & Refuge Issues
Kendall Lamkey, Iowa State University
Innovations for Sustainable High Row Crop Productivity
Marilyn Warburton, USDA/Mississippi State University
Association Mapping of Drought Tolerance Genes
Ann Stapleton, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Genetic Architecture of Multiple-Stress Response
Table1 — Table 2
Lisa Ainsworth, University of Illinois
in Plant Metabolism Induced by Climate Change
Mark Lawson, Monsanto
Transgenic Facilitated
Drought Tolerance in Corn