44th Illinois Corn Breeders School
March 3-4, 2008
- Carl Bradley, University of Illinois
Effect of foliar fungicides on corn in Illinois research trials in 2007
- Walter Trevisan, Monsanto and Michael Blanco (speaker) USDA-ARS, Ames, Iowa
The importance of Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) Program for U.S. Seed
- Jim Hawk, University of Delaware
Comparison of Conventional, Modified Single Seed Descent, and Doubled Haploid
Breeding Methods for Maize Inbred Line Development Using GEM Breeding Crosses
- Elizabeth Lee, University of Guelph
Perspectives on Heterosis in Maize - 100 Years Later
- Nathan Springer, University of Minnesota
A Genomic Perspective of Heterosis: Using Microarray and Allele-Specific
Expression Profiling to Study the Maize Hybrid Transcriptome
- Jim Murphy, The Context Network, West Des Moines, IA
Corn’s Future as a Biofuels Feedstock
- Doreen Ware, USDA-ARS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY
Update on Sequencing Maize Genome, Related Resources and Gramene
- Dick Johnson, University of Illinois
Development of a Commercial-Grade Hybrid Maize Mapping Population
- Bill Beavis, Iowa State University
Maize-TREC: A Maize Translational Research and Education Collaborative
- Pam Johnson, Iowa Farmer and Chair of NCGA Research and Business Development
Action Team
Perspectives from the National Corn Growers Association
- Open Forum and Panel Discussion
How Public and Private Sector Can Effectively Work Together to Enhance Support
for Maize Breeding & Genetics Education and Translational Research
- Richard Flavell, CERES, Inc. Thousand Oaks, CA
Translating Research to Enhance Perennial Grasses for Biofuels: Challenges
and Opportunities
- Marty Williams, USDA-ARS, University of Illinois
Sensitivity to P450-metabolized Herbicides in Sweet Corn: Genetic Basis and
- Jeff Church, University of Illinois
Coordinated Control of the Carbon-Nitrogen Balance in Maize
- Sally Mackenzie, University of Nebraska
Mitochondrial Genetics in Higher Plants: The Physiological Cost of CMS and
Other Mitochondrial Outcomes of Wide Crossing
- Kankshita Swaminathan, University of Illinois
Perception of the Crop Environment by Photoreceptors
- Joana Novais, University of Illinois
Genetic Analysis of Maize Root Complexity
- Narasimham Upadyayula, University of Illinois
Genetics of Maize Inflorescence Architecture